
Deciding Where To Send Your Children To School In Bangkok

When you move your family with school-age children to Bangkok, you will need to take your time in deciding where to send them to school. There are many options available throughout Bangkok, so there are many choices for you, but there are some considerations you will need to factor into your search. Below are some of these factors to help you make the best decision and ensure that your children get the best education possible.

Work Out Your Budget

You will need to think about the budget you have available to invest in your children’s education. If you have more than one child, it will cost a significant amount of money to educate your children, but if they attend the same school, you can often get a discount. Work out how much you can afford to spend per term on their schooling, and you can then start your search for the perfect school for them.

Choose The Curriculum

You will also have to consider your preferred curriculum for your child, with many options available. Whether you are looking for a British, Australian, or American High School, Bangkok has lots of options available, with plenty of curriculums available. Ensuring that you choose the best curriculum for your children will help ensure they get the best education possible, giving them an excellent start in life.

The Location

Another vital factor to consider is the school’s location and how far away it is from where you live. Travelling in Bangkok can be a pain at the best of times, and it is made even worse when it is raining, so you will want to try and choose a school not too far away from where you live. Most schools have a bus service that can collect and drop off your children at the end of the day, but you do not want them to spend a couple of hours travelling each day. If you are new to Bangkok, you may wish to choose the school for your children before looking for somewhere to live, so you can ensure that you live close to their school.

The Facilities

You will also want to ensure that the school you choose has excellent facilities, which is much more than a clean and fancy looking building. You will want to select a school that uses state-of-the-art technologies to enhance the learning experience and make your children passionate about learning. You may also wish to ensure that there are excellent sports facilities if your children like sport, and that they have the option to learn about the subjects which they like most.

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